Cutrera PRIMO 250ml


Unikaalne ja kõrgekvaliteediline õli, mis on saadud TONDA IBLEA oliivide mehhaanilisel töötlemisel. Õlil on roheliste tomatite ja värskelt niidetud heina lõhn. Maitses tunneb oliive ja rohelist rohtu/salatit, mõõdukalt mõrkjas ja pikantne järelmaitse. Intensiivsuse aste maitsel ja lõhnal kõrge.

Õli säilitada jahedas (mitte külmkapis) ja kuivas. Hoida otsese päikesevalguse eest. Tootjaks ja pakendajaks on Frantoi Cutrera Sitsiiliast. Valmistatud 100% Itaalias, käsitööna.


  • Switzerland – Zurich 2015, International Olive Oil Award Zurich – “Best Best Mono-Variety” Gran Cru Nocellara del Belice
  • Switzerland – Zurich 2015, International Olive Oil Award Zurich – “Gold Olive”, Gran Cru Nocellara del Belice
  • Switzerland – Zurich 2015, International Olive Oil Award Zurich – “Best of Italy” Gran Cru Nocellara del Belice
  • Switzerland – Zurich 2015, International Olive Oil Award Zurich – “Silver Olive” Primo DOP
  • Switzerland – Zurich 2015, International Olive Oil Award Zurich – “Award 2015”, Primo Bio
  • taly – VERONA 2015, International Olive Oil Award “AIPO” – 1st place, Primo DOP
  • USA – New York 2015, “NYIOOC Competition” World Competition – Gold Award, Primo DOP
  • Italy – Sorrento 2015, “Sirena di Sorrento” International Contest – Great Mention, Primo DOP
  • taly – “GAMBERO ROSSO 2015” Extra Virgin Olive Oil Guide – The BEST DOP OLIVE OIL, Primo DOP
  • Italy – Bari 2015, “BIOL BARI 2015”, International Olive Oil Award – Extra Gold Medal, Primo Bio
  • Italy – “Slow Food 2015” Guide – Selezione Grande Olio 2015, Primo DOP
  • Italy – Trieste, “Olio Capitale 2015” National Competition – Best extra virgin olive oil special mention restaurateurs jury , Primo DOP
  • Italy – Trieste, “Olio Capitale 2015” National Competition – Final Selection, Primo DOP
  • Italy – Lecce, “L’Oro d’Italia 2015” National Competition 5 gold drops and praise of excellence, Gran Cru Nocellara del Belice
  • Italy – Lecce, “L’Oro d’Italia 2015” National Competition 4 gold drops and praise of excellence, Primo DOP
  • Italy – “GAMBERO ROSSO 2015” Extra Virgin Olive Oil Guide – 3 Leaf, Primo
  • Italy – 2014, “BIO EXPo Monocultivar Olive Oil” World Competition – Gold Medal, Primo DOP
  • Italy – Verona 2015, “Sol D’oro” International Contest – Grand Mention Diploma, Primo DOP
  • Italy – Gradara 2015, “Orciolo D’Oro” International Contest – Grand Mention Extra, G. Cru Nocellara del Belice, Medim Intensy Category
  • Germany 2015 – “Merum” Extra Virgin Olive Oil World Selection – Primo DOP
  • Italy – Gradara 2015, “Orciolo D’Oro” International Contest – 2nd place, Primo Bio, Intense Fruity Category Organic
  • Italy – Gradara 2015, “Orciolo D’Oro” International Contest – 1st place, Primo DOP, Intense Fruity Category DOP IGP

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